At Northstar, integrated marketing signifies leveraging the best of traditional (TV, print, radio, point-of-care) and innovative marketing channels (search, web, social, mobile) and identifying the appropriate marketing mix to best achieve critical patient education objectives, such as:
- Specific disease state and condition awareness
- Recognition of symptoms
- Availability of treatment options
- If a certain treatment is right for the patient
- Promoting productive dialogue with treatment professionals
Combining responsible marketing with execution excellence, Northstar’s integrated marketing approach effectively moves the patient along the patient continuum, from awareness and education phase to active research to decision to commitment. Once a patient commits to obtaining more information, our call centers and patient relationship experts actively engage with patients and help guide them through their journey. This integrated, end-to-end marketing proposition is a core competency, which separates Northstar from other surgical centers and treatment facilities.
Want to learn more bout our marketing campaigns? Click on one of the websites or Facebook pages below.
Northstar Chiropractic Website
Northstar Chiropractic Facebook
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